It all comes down to this

31 Aug

B: Less than 24 hours to go.  HOLY s-balls, if I may be so bold to say so.  I do not think I would have been able to complete the challenge without the blog to keep me honest.  Oh and I think I would have definitely cheated if I hadn’t had my friend Blythe sending me her closet outcasts throughout the year.  What was your saving grace?  (besides me, of course)

A: Well OF COURSE you were my saving grace. I definitely raked in some great hand-me-downs (thank you, donors – you know who you are). Another saving grace, if you can even call it that, was a bolder approach to mixing and matching my wardrobe in ways that I likely wouldn’t have experimented with when I was shopping. It made me feel more creative! Also, I feel like my style changed more dramatically in this past year than any year before. Did anything change for you style-wise?

B: I definitely noticed a change in your style!  It’s far more bold these days – I LOVE!  I think on the days that I put more thought into it I definitely threw together combinations that were a little more fun.  I did get lazy a lot of the days though.  I’m even more worried about that now that I’m in maternity clothes.  They tend to be a bit drab.  Perhaps I’ll try and buy a few colorful tops to mix it up a bit.  Definitely didn’t expect to go the maternity clothes route when purgatory was over! 

A:Thanks for the outfit kudos. I’m blushing! I think your style changed a lot as well. Pats on the back all around ; )

I do believe this is the first official pregnancy announcement on the blog. HOORAY FOR BECKY, EVERYONE!! She is going to be a kick-ass mama AGAIN. So exciting!

Maternity clothes shopping does not seem all that exciting, I have to be honest. But you are lucky that you have fashionable friends to borrow from. Once you’re out of maternity clothes I bet the fun shopping will begin again!

B: Well thanks, pal!  Yes, maternity clothes can get boring, but I think a lot of it is that you wear the same thing over and over because there is only so much money you want to spend on clothes you’ll wear for 9 months.  Kind of makes the big moment feel more like this:


rather than this:


But I will not be thwarted!


“What now?” I’m sure you’re all wondering what we’ll do on the 1st.  Mad dash to Union Square? Just another Thursday?

I guess you’ll have to wait and see what the Conscious Closet gals do next…  (queue dramatic music, close up on closet and fade to black)

A+B foreva

7 Responses to “It all comes down to this”

  1. Melina August 31, 2011 at 9:33 am #

    I’m excited to see what you girls do next!

    I also wanted to suggest to Becky (And you can file it away, Allie!) my friend’s very chic under-garment company that help bring fair pay jobs to women in Brazil. Their new maternity line is very popular and yummy….

  2. Lani August 31, 2011 at 11:06 am #

    Hoooooray for Becky’s pregnancy and BIG congrats to you both for making it through an entire year with style, humor and the eagerness to share it all with us!

    I think I speak for a lot of gals (and maybe a few guys) when I admit that I feel somewhat anxious about your challenge winding down. I look forward to your blog posts with my morning latte….and now what?!? 😉

    Big hugs and congrats to you both…and please for the love of god go buy yourself something fun to congratulate yourselves!


    • consciouscloset August 31, 2011 at 12:07 pm #

      Thanks, Lani! We are definitely feeling sad about the challenge coming to an end. We’ll miss our loyal readers so much! But we are trying to figure out what the next thing is – we can’t just leave everyone hanging! And don’t worry, shopping is definitely on the agenda for the long holiday weekend (at least for Becky).

  3. Marika Holmgren August 31, 2011 at 11:17 am #

    Massive congratulations! You guys are dedicated, inspiring, and have been a whole lot of fun to follow.

    Thank you, and I hope you’ll continue your blog even though the year is over.

    Next up…did you hear about the woman who vowed to not look in mirrors for a full year? Holy hell. Now THAT is nuts!

    • consciouscloset August 31, 2011 at 12:10 pm #

      Holy hell indeed! How would you get anything out of your eye? Pluck your eyebrows? Check to make sure there’s not spinach in your teeth? I guess I understand the intent, but that is not a challenge I could stick to. Thanks for always offering up such thoughtful comments. We’ll come up with something – hopefully interesting enough to keep people reading!

  4. Kristen August 31, 2011 at 11:19 am #

    WOW — congratulations on the challenge and the BABY Becky. So proud of both of you!

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